Attach Plus™ dramatically improves the way businesses send e-mail attachments by reducing the time and
complexity it takes to PDF, ZIP and password protect attachments. View Brochure.pdf
Is Attach Plus right for you?
Does generating and attaching a PDF or ZIP file take longer than it
really should? How are you currently ensuring confidential e-mail attachments
you send to customers are password protected? Have you ever sent a sensitive
attachment to the wrong recipient by mistake?
Quick Industry Solution Overview: Financial || Accounting
|| Legal
Document Management: Attach Plus works with most major document management systems by right clicking, "E-mail" or the Print command. Read more
How Attach Plus helps
Attach Plus was designed to answer these questions by exceeding the security requirements
of financial advisors who regularly send sensitive personal and financial information as e-mail
attachments to their clients. Now, Attach Plus can be used by anyone wanting the same level of
security, speed and ease-of-use to attach encrypted PDF or ZIP files to e-mail.
How Attach Plus Works
Attach Plus adds a button to your e-mail application's "Select Files" dialog window.
From the "Select Files" window you can attach the file "as-is",
convert it to an Adobe Acrobat PDF or compress it into a ZIP file.
On the same screen you can secure the file by selecting a password and
only the pages you want and attach. It's that easy, efficient and
You can even use the Attach Plus print driver to e-mail PDF snapshots from
any application that has print capability.
View Attach Plus Workflow Diagram.pdf
 PDF - security
made easy
- More control with Sender & Recipient Passwords
- Restricted PDF - Restricts print, copy, paste
and more...
- Merge PDF - Combine documents to one
PDF with customized Bookmarks!
- Convert to PDF or work with existing PDF
- 128-bit Encryption
- Fast Password Protect
- PDF specific pages
- Attach password-protected PDFs in 6 clicks, instead of
17 with Adobe Acrobat
- See the Encryption and Password Protection white paper
- Print to PDF and Attach - Automatically
converts the document to an encrypted PDF then attaches to a new or existing
e-mail. The PDF is saved in the Sent Mail folder of your
e-mail program.
- Print to PDF, Save and Attach - Automatically
converts the document to an encrypted PDF, saves PDF to your system, then opens
a new or existing e-mail. The PDF is saved in a folder and in
the Sent Mail folder of your e-mail program.
- Merge PDF - Combine documents
from multiple applications with the 'Merge' feature to create
one PDF attachment.
FILE->SEND TO->MAIL RECIPIENT- attaching made easy
- Attach Plus allows you to send files as attachments from Word,
Excel and other MAPI compliant programs to an e-mail in progress
- File->Send To from an open file or Right Click->Send To->Mail
Recipient from an unopened file
 ZIP - security
made easy
- Compress e-mail Attachments – reduce file size
- 256-bit Encryption
- Fast Password Protect
- Combine documents into one .zip file
- collaborate & leverage existing network security
- Attach a File as network 'Shortcut'
- Attach a Folder as network 'Shortcut'
- Convert and save PDF to secure network folder
and attach as "Shortcut"
Have you ever wanted to send more than one attachment in an e-mail,
but from different software applications? Attach Plus integrates
into any MAPI compliant application (such as Microsoft Office, Word
or most Windows applications) that provide the option to select “File->Send
To-> Mail Recipient” from the main menu.
You can also right
click on any file in Windows Explorer and choose File->Send To
Mail Recipient. Attach Plus then allows you to attach (or convert,
then attach!)
the file to a pre-existing email message (you can also create a
new email message if you prefer). See MAPI document
Satisfied customers can't believe they ever got by without Attach Plus.
Go ahead and give Attach Plus a try today with our 30-day free
- Secure and Compress attachments
- Easy and fast
- Ensure your client's privacy
- Outlook 2000 through 2019 - 32 bit
- Outlook Express 6
- Windows Mail
- Groupwise 6 and above
- ACT! 6 e-mail
- Goldmine 5 and above
- Eudora 6 and above
- Windows Live Hotmail*
- Gmail* (see FAQ for configuration)
- Yahoo! Mail* (see FAQ for configuration)
- Lotus Notes 6 and above*
- Thunderbird*
- Netscape 7 and above*
- Hotmail*
- CRM systems using Outlook for email
Click here if your mail client is not listed!
*Paperclip button integration not available.